

By Barbara Rose August 25, 2023
Where does thought come from? Where does it go? What does a wolf in a canyon have to do with it? And, what does any of this have to do with you?
By Barbara Rose July 9, 2023
Death, loss and finding beauty in the missing... Death is as much a part of life as is life itself, yet, even when it is expected, it is often accompanied by such a deep sense of denial that many tactics are employed to avoid sinking into the abyss that goes hand in hand with endless missing. But what if this wasn't the case? What if the ending of life in one was embraced by another whose destiny it is, to grieve? Might that return a different experience of loss? And, might it present a whole new perspective on life?
By Barbara Rose May 26, 2023
Feel the flow of the continuum as it penetrates your earthly shell. Meet the weaver of worlds when it forges lasting friendships and sings wondrous songs of miraculous events, inner transformations and unforgettable experiences, then bear witness to the adventures of a traveller who learns to distinguish the True from the false, finds the land of her belonging without ever knowing she was lost... and who comes to see life is not always as it is presented...
trees shadows rainbow wood lilac violet turquoise
By Barbara Rose April 17, 2023
The cover may 'say it all' but what part does a book advert play in carrying its message forward into the world at large?
By Barbara Rose April 6, 2023
What's in a cover? I'm talking about my different approach to designing my book cover. It goes against my marketer's advice, but here's why I'm okay with that...
By Barbara Rose March 18, 2023
Somewhere only we know - Artist's Journey. What normally begins as an idea, a concept or a vision to create, in this case didn’t.
By Barbara Rose March 17, 2023
Imagine, for a moment... a place that is so safe, so secure, and so profound you can rest in eternal peace even as you watch all that you treasure most in the world crumble into nothing at your feet...
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