
Art Collections

Explore your inner landscape

Artwork falls into a series of collections which are accessed through the links below. Standalone, or contemplated as a totality, they serve to expand your awareness into broader aspects of being where both microcosm and macrocosm are experienced as one and the same.  Here, the warp and the weft of how they relate presents a glorious multi-layered tapestry where each thread is viewed as a story in the making, anchored one inside the other, and where each is seen to be a perfect mirror to daily life. Additionally, our blog and 'A Vision for a Month' serve as platforms where 'tales from the continuum' marry vision with insight to assist you in your daily challenges.


Here we tease apart the layers, the subtle-in-between, and explore the beginnings of creation as it relates to physical manifestation, and to the evolution of human consciousness relative to the past; the how, why, and where it all began. The building blocks of the universe are explored through natural intelligence in the kingdom nature; the 'split' in consciousness gives rise to our dualistic universe and the birth of forgetfulness; and the rise of the shadow self, believing itself to be separate, is proven to have its root in divinity.  Artwork, then, portrays both the manifestation of a physical universe and the subtle unfoldment of consciousness as it applies to an individual - you - in daily life.


Artwork in this collection reflects the bigger picture, the modus operandi of Spirit when it is expressed as consciousness using the medium of mind. Each piece gives insight into the refined and subtle layers that reveal Spirit's essential nature relative to your own journey.  Consciousness may be experienced as a river of awareness, a continuum that allows space and time to unfold throughout the many layers of existence. Intuitively, it can be viewed as a garden which contains the essential nutrients for Spirit to work out its  Will (the Garden of Eden, perhaps?).  Life and death come under its auspices, as does the realm of mind, whether expressed as intelligence in the kingdom of nature, cosmic cycles and movement of planets, or thought-forms, mental constructs, and beliefs that determine the rate at which consciousness unfolds within itself by knowing what it is not.


Fragmentation from Source becomes more apparent. Artwork delves into the 'return' journey - where you are now - and illustrates the full spectrum of duality as you walk a path of awakening; knowing yourself as you really are, not who you believe yourself to be. It encompasses both bigger picture and 'swampland' - unconscious - perspectives, with neither one being more 'enlightened' than the other. Acceptance of what is, as it is, is key to navigating these realms and each piece serves as a gateway to assist you to do so.

Journeys of the Soul

The Soul's journey, as it progresses from lifetime to lifetime, expresses itself through multiple life forms - including you. Each piece is a reflection of the many facets of the inner diamond that contribute towards this journey and extends an invitation for you to explore the many layers and vibrations of existence that make up the totality of who you really are. Light and shadow, inner and outer, whether conscious or unconscious, awake or asleep, illuminate the parallels between reality as you perceive it to be and how it really is; contemplating these art forms, alongside their respective commentaries, exposes this rich, many-layered, tapestry where the inner vision as an expression of the One soul, is experienced as Real.

Nature's Wisdom

Commentary come soon...

Sacred Geometry

Commentary come soon...

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