Visions of Reality BLOG
Feel the flow of the continuum as it penetrates your earthly shell. Meet the weaver of worlds when it forges lasting friendships and sings wondrous songs of miraculous events, inner transformations and unforgettable experiences, then bear witness to the adventures of a traveller who learns to distinguish the True from the false, finds the land of her belonging without ever knowing she was lost... and who comes to see life is not always as it is presented...
Inside out... or outside in?
Seven years ago I embarked upon a journey, as vibrant, alive, and
to me now as it was then. An adventure of infinite proportion spanning multiple timelines, realities and identities, the North American
Southwest journey, under the guidance of Ronald Holt, was one of the most profound and life-enhancing 'holidays' of my lifetime. As to why the time of the telling is now will become apparent later but, for the curious, a clue may be found in the title. Our story unfolds in three parts expressed through the essence of two spirals: one left, the other right. The first, set out in the form of a letter to our tour guide in his capacity as friend to the Soul, exposes the unravelling of the 'false self’ or, as Jeremy Crank, Navajo medicine man, puts it, the spiral of chaos. It exposes the dismembering of this illusory persona under the guidance of the ‘quantum navigator’ and uses surrender as its method. The second spiral runs concurrently but, for ease of relating, will be shared in part three, the Redman. It’s important to know neither is complete in itself each being an integral part of the other; one a breaking down of that which is false the other introducing that which is unfettered and whole.
An Adventure
Inspiration for our unique trip came through Ron’s many years exploring, meditating, and sharing with others his intimate connection, not only with the land and its power spots, but with indigenous peoples who know well the ways of the Great Mother, and her partner in Spirit, Father Sky. Added to this was the deep inner work he, not only facilitated, but also dedicated his life to on a personal level; dissolution of self being the ultimate in reward. It was in the latter capacity that I knew him well. Serving as guide and mentor to me, through workshops and one to ones over several years, I can honestly say he has been instrumental in awakening layers of understanding within me that have changed my life beyond recognition. I first met him in 2008 at a Seed of Life, sacred geometry, workshop where Lyssa, his wife and co-facilitator, introduced him as ‘a heart on legs;’ it was no word of a lie – he is. As such he inspires implicit trust in those he serves whatever the capacity. The South West tour was a new venture for me, not only in it being a ‘holiday’, but in my getting to know Ron as a guide within the ‘external’ world of form rather than the inner landscape of the Soul. I was soon to find out there was no difference!
Our journey, lasting nine days, began in Phoenix, Arizona, and took us through four states including New Mexico, Colorado and Utah to reach its crowning glory in Monument Valley, land of the Navajo (Dine). Our trusty steed was a well-equipped mini-bus with capacity to seat 12 – we were only six; overnight stops, different every night bar one, were spent in well-appointed hotels or motels and the hikes to each power spot were relatively easy (says she with tongue in cheek). The landscape through which we travelled, even without the added benefits mentioned above, were stunning. As one who lives on a relatively small, over-populated island, the expansive quality and clarity of air, was positively breath-taking – in itself sufficient to bring light to a clouded mind. Add to the mix, indigenous culture, powerful meditations, petroglyphs, night skies devoid of light pollution, magnificent sunrises and sunsets and you have a recipe for profound inner transformation with life-changing potential.
The backdrop to my experience would be incomplete without mention of my travelling companions. From day one, almost before we had left our hotel in Phoenix, there is but one word that, for me, epitomises our relationship – easy. As one member said, “this feels like a reunion”. It did, and I am pretty sure it was. Not without its challenges, the tour by its very nature held the potential to bring to the surface personal irritations, niggles over long hours spent in a bus, late arrivals at accommodations, questionable food (sometimes!) etc. etc. but, to my knowledge, none of this happened. We just got on with it and celebrated the marvellous gift each of us brought to the others in being present on the journey; it was the group that made this possible, and by the same token, the group that turned the trip into the momentous experience that it turned out to be.
Lastly, in using the word, ‘Redman,’ I mean no disrespect to the native American Indian whom, as the following story will reveal, I honour above all else. It is a name given to one who is not of this world and who is beyond any creed, race or religion. It is a name given to one who, in effect, has no name but whose essence, for the purposes of this article, requires an identity.
Letter to a guide
disentangling the matrix
Dear friend,
Prior to signing up for the trip I knew the fundamental structure (or potential lack of it) contained many of my worst nightmares - In short I did not know where the hell I would be with it all or how I was going to cope! As it turned out none of this mattered. It wasn’t even something I had to work at; the issues just weren’t there. As such, I was at peace with my inner demons for the first three to four days. I had implicit trust in you as a guide, valued the impeccable foresight you had applied in assuring our every need was met, and when the opportunity came to enter the ‘ear’ of the ‘watcher over the canyon’ at Canyon de Chelly I had no hesitation in making the climb. Not only was I confident in skills gained through many years of mountain scrambling I had no doubt you would assist me should there be a need. And there was, and you did!
And then came the fall...
It was a something and nothing event. I lost my footing in the pitch black, slid and rolled towards the edge of a precipice, and ground to a halt moments before falling over the edge. Battered, bruised and shocked I sought sanctuary in tried and tested programs; deeply entrenched insecurities rose to the surface leaving me shaken and vulnerable at a core level. The physical shock and injury was addressed using homeopathy and the skills of a very competent massage therapist, who nursed my battered and bruised body back into alignment, that I may continue the journey relatively unscathed. This left the insecurities – not so easily dispensed with! Echoes
of my early life returned. Someone I relied upon had failed to live up to the implicit trust I had placed upon them. Now I was confused, and wary. Enter one who was familiar with the terrain, one who knew the subtleties within every verbal utterance, who could read every expression, assess clearly where preferences and loyalties lay in the one it deemed to be the leader of the pack and who, for aeons, had ensured the one under its care would survive at all costs. The inner watcher was awake and it stepped up to fulfil its purpose in looking after the one who was exposed and vulnerable - me.
Outer and inner, inseparable in their expression, journeyed as one from that point onwards. As we travelled from one breath-taking power spot to the next the watcher performed its duties with due diligence. However, unbeknownst to its innate intelligence, lying beyond its wily gaze, was another, equally adept, 'Master of the Maze' who knew its every move. The watcher was being watched. As sibling rivals courted favour with assumed parent, as green dragon exhaled its soul-destroying fire and as the worthless one tried in vain to be heard, the Master of the Maze held it all. In love. Drawing all into its infinite capacity to love without condition it allowed none to escape its warm embrace. And so, the dragon was appeased, the watcher relaxed its vigil and turbulent waters returned once more. to stillness. Until, on the afternoon of the last day, the unreal reared its ugly head again to make the false unerringly real; the pain of rejection seared like a knife through my tender heart and once again I felt lost and alone.
Upon returning home I travelled deep into the entanglements clouding my mind, swam in the bloodied waters of a wounded heart, and offered all to the tender mercy of the Soul. Piece by piece I teased apart my projections and managed to reach a place of clarity, at least in part. Completion came with the onset of the reversed, clockwise, spiral; the spiral of integration. Two days after my return I felt the spiral of chaos reverse its flow; it took, however, a further two weeks to disentangle the knot of this particular falsehood. It happened spontaneously whilst walking my dog in a local park. Every day we would walk a circular route in an anti-clockwise direction; we had been doing so for years but now, as the penny dropped, I realised in so doing we were courting chaos. I reversed the flow by walking the other way round. Step by mindful step as I trod the clockwise spiral the veils obscuring the true nature of reality disintegrated and the answer, a reservoir of clarity in the detritus of the false, became clear.
Each step opened my heart to your vulnerability. I felt the love you expressed in putting this whole trip together, your vulnerability in sharing that which you loved so much with others, your child-like joy in encouraging us to grow and evolve as you had through intimate connection with the land. I felt your deep and intimate love of Spirit, bore witness to your innate wisdom and dedication in following its direction regardless of cost to yourself. And above all, I felt your boundless love in assisting us to strip back the layers of falsehood that Truth may stand naked in the face of all adversity.
Now, as you stand before me, a shining light, a pristine mirror, where naught but Pure Spirit is presented to those who have eyes to notice - I see you. Naked, vulnerable…. human... I see you... Now, at last, I can speak from a heart that’s true, one that has honoured its wounded-ness, has had the courage to wait, one who has entered the great silence and allowed the love of the Soul to be expressed through her. Now, in this moment, whilst bathing in the aftermath of clarity, I say to you, friend to the Soul, "it has been an honour to walk these lands under your guidance, to share your passion, your joy and your wisdom; to walk alongside you as one in Spirit... inside and out. And now, I can finally say to you, Ron, thank you.
From the depths of my soul, from my heart to yours,
thank you so very, very much...."
The Redman
He entered in the wake of the fall. As my battered body tried in vain to rest, as mind spiralled untamed within the wheel of regret, and heart wrestled with the demons of blame and shame, under cover of darkness, he was there. Chiselled features, strong countenance, coloured with unquestionable authority, he placed his unequivocal mastery upon the moment. Yet his, all too palpable, presence belied the gentleness of intent shining through his softened gaze. He was a warrior, a figurehead within his tribe, one to be respected and revered, even to be feared, yet this persona was not quite as it seemed. I could feel it. His heart had tasted the pain of loss, knew separation from those he considered to be his own, and how it felt to be banished from the land he loved. He had ridden the spiral of despair until nothing that could be identified as him was left and now he stood before me naked, vulnerable, alone; demanding nothing, baring all. He was a warrior but his greatest strength lay in his approach before me on bended knee. Even now, more than three weeks after the event, I see his face, feel his presence, his mystery running through my veins and the love that flows, so effortlessly, from his heart to mine.
Mind travelled backwards through time. I recalled the day before when I sat alone on the overlook to Canyon de Chelly, how the vortex of its womb-like space kept drawing me in, and in likewise fashion at Spiderwoman Rock in the pouring rain. In each instance I had a sense of falling but without fear, more a longing to give of myself completely to the presence that was calling me. I recalled with ease the appearance of crow and how insistent it was in setting the direction for us to meditate close to the edge of a precipice. Perhaps all were harbingers of events yet to unfold? Our return journey from the base of the canyon seemed to add credence to this possibility. Walking uphill not being my favourite pastime, I had set off before the others so as not to play catch up. I walked slowly, deliberately, each step a surrendering to the presence of the moment and every placement of foot an honouring of the land upon which I walked. I had a sense of pilgrimage, of re-membering, and an instinctive knowing that it was one other than I who walked the land… through me.
And so the tour continued. From kiva to cliff dwelling, ancient civilisation to wi-fi enabled hotel, our trusty steed and guide led us into ever more expansive experiences within magnificent panoramas. Through four states I absorbed the sacred heart of the land through which we travelled, listened inwardly to the song of its people and heard the heart-wrenching cry of the earth as she exposed those who had murdered, raped and pillaged her revered protectors in the name of civilisation. My heart bled. My eyes struggled to cry.
And then he was there. Entrenched in despair by atrocities committed in the past, as we crossed the border from Colorado into Utah, the Redman made an appearance again. Only this time it was far more than his face that called me to his side. His presence enveloped, descended around, through and within me, until ‘I’ was but a viewer through the mirror of his mind. I witnessed him drinking in the land through my eyes; my body, tired from long hours spent on the road, felt renewed by his strength and my heart... my heart was overwhelmed by gratitude...
his gratitude. At last the tears flowed. Soft, gentle tears birthed through recognition of service. Tears that made no sound, carried no emotion, which left no scars upon the heart of the one who wept; tears released only when the one who weeps is not the one who has reason to cry. Pieces of a jigsaw spanning many aeons of time were falling into place and my part within a far bigger picture was becoming clear with each passing moment.
Long before the outset of this journey, when it was but a possibility in my mind, I had a feeling it was never about me. An exciting and once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, that should have left me fired with enthusiasm for weeks, failed to ignite familiar feelings of anticipation and expectation. Now I knew why. It was the Redman that called this body to his lands, the Redman who miraculously, from out of nowhere, manifested funds for the trip, and it was the Redman who, as gently as he could, generated the impetus for the fall that our spirits may merge. With humble heart my tears merged with his….. my heart pulsed to a new rhythm, beat to a hitherto unknown drum… and little me, the one who had set out on this journey, gave in… Before I knew it our trusty steed had entered Monument Valley, sacred land of the Navajo. There are many tales and insights I could share concerning the unforgettable two days we spent with Navajo Medicine man, Jeremy Crank and his family. I could speak of animated creation stories, sleeping in a Hogan under the stars 'dormitory style', of weavers and grandmothers, dancers and sacred rites, of sunrises and sunsets, buttes and mesas, and so, so much more. A lengthy script could be written on each one, but for now I confine the telling of my experience to those events having direct bearing on the unfolding of the spiral within this song of creation; the sweat, a tale of children and a water blessing.
It is only at the time of writing that I recognise the pivotal role the sweat lodge played in reversing the flow of the spiral. Far more than sitting in the dark, getting hot and sweating buckets the experience is steeped in ancient ritual. Jeremy and his family prepared the ground, built the sweat and offered sacred chants for two weeks prior to our arrival; a momentous addition, and unprecedented honour, to these preparations being the unexpected appearance of Grandfather, who bestowed his blessings upon our forthcoming gathering. The sweat, as I understand it, is an honouring of all that is sacred in our relationship to each other, to the land upon which we are blessed to call home, and to the celestial lights that grace the heavens above. Instructions, simple but clear, were delivered by Jeremy towards that end before the start. Always enter and leave in a clockwise direction, set the intention to purge, through bodily sweat, all that is ‘unclean’, take the dirt upon which you rest to ‘wash’ the body and drink freshly prepared sage tea before you enter. The time had come. Not without a hint of trepidation I took my place inside the sweat.
As my body transformed through the four elements I surrendered to the presence of Great Spirit. Songs of creation, chanted by medicine man Jeremy, stirred my soul. The Redman came alive. His voice echoed words, long since forgotten, using chords within a body that moved in synchronous rhythm to the beat of a sacred song. The air was pregnant with joy at his return to the land he loved, whilst the white woman housing his spirit smiled quietly inside. There are no words that can convey the depth of knowing that was awakened through that simple ceremony. So deep, it has taken nigh on a month, in virtual silence, to express these few words.
The water blessing, on the shores of Saint Juan, was the sealing of our time with the Navajo. It was simply that, a blessing, but it held particular significance to the Redman and my continuing relationship with him. As the sacred songs graced my ears once more, as my spirit soared and heart rejoiced, I ‘saw’ a vortex of liquid light, spiralling anti-clockwise, arising from the surface of the river. It opened, as would a flower in response to the warm rays of a radiant sun, to become, what I can only describe as, a ‘deity.’ Features unclear, it nevertheless had vast, outspread, expansive wings, coloured white, and ‘arms’ that were proffered towards us in a gesture of offering; the energy it imparted was one of gratitude. Then it was gone, in its place a small Puebloan boy playing by the edge of the water. He had miraculously appeared from what seemed to be an umbilicus reaching deep into the core of the earth, as if the Blessed Mother herself had breathed his form into physical life.
The significance of this vision is still finding its way into waking awareness but one of Jeremy’s stories offers a possible explanation. When a child is born to the Navajo the medicine man takes the umbilical cord far into the land where it is buried according to ancient rites. This sacred act ensures its children, no matter how far away they may travel, will always return to the land of their birth. It seems to me the Redman, through the body of a white woman, had at last returned home. All was now as it should be, a wrong had been set right and balance was restored.
As the two spirals entrain, mystery within the matrix of creation stands revealed. I see that unconscious projections, seeds of rejection that clouded my perception of our guide, had their origin, not within a damaged childhood, as I had always believed, but in the fate of the Redman cast so many, many lifetimes ago. Now I ask myself, how can I possibly continue to live, and relive, a story of falsehood when it is so obviously a mere blink of an eye against a broader expanse of time? And having experienced, so intimately, the combined energies of each spiral how can I fail to see that the leading players, guide and Redman, are but two expressions of the same archetypal presence?
As all comes full circle, the fall reveals its most treasured gift. Subtle behavioural patterns, learnt through a dysfunctional relationship with my inner father in this life, are contrasted by a new, wholesome, and life-affirming way of relating, through the Redman. He has shown me, through his presence alone, how masculine authority may be expressed through feminine qualities – gentleness, acceptance, wisdom and loving-kindness. What began as an act of selfless service has returned to me a thousand fold; the server has become the served, the great spiral has showered its blessings upon one who surrendered all to its passage, and the white woman has the song of a Redman running through her veins. It brings with it an ease of being, an acceptance of self, and nutrient rich soil wherein a young Puebloan boy may play in the dirt, sing songs of gratitude to his ancestors, and learn how it is to
walk in beauty… the Dine Way.
Addendum 2023
This account was originally published as an article one month after completion of the Southwest journey in 2016. As intimated in the opening paragraphs its release in its current form is not without purpose. The title, amended from the original, is also significant. Tales from the continuum have, without doubt, many layers, intricacies, and intimate relations woven within them that unfold through time, yet oftentimes they become obscured by its passage. Identities, stories, rights and wrongs, lands, tribes and belongings, all have their place, all have their tales to tell and their wisdom to impart. Experiences shared here, mere threads within a far larger tapestry, have rippled throughout the fabric of space-time to create windows of opportunity for awakening, with new layers of learning, in the present. The Redman has returned. He is here, now. His note expresses the continuum... his song, a Song of Creation... And joy in Spirit is its most precious gift.
All Rights Reserved | Barbara Rose
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