Walk the Rainbow
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Follow the adventures of a seeker as she faces her demons, realises her worth, and meets her inner teacher.
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Under-processed emotional baggage, mental constructs and self-destructive belief systems serve as a driving force in our lives. They impose their will, for good or ill, erode our peace of mind, and undermine our sense of emotional well-being. It is about time we turned their dictates inside-out, observe them through a lens of awareness, and invite all that dwells in the shadows to embrace the clear-light of day. Imagine how it might be if these hidden influencers were seen for what they were and accepted inside an open and loving heart. Could the time for a fresh perspective, be now? Might that heart be yours?
Barbara Rose, in her ground-breaking new book, shines a light on the unseen in-between where the answers to these, and many more, soul-searching questions arise effortlessly from within. It draws upon decades of research into spiritual and metaphysical 'systems', marries it with insights gathered through meditation and inner shadow work, and presents a roadmap for those desiring a deeper and more meaningful relationship with themselves.
"Walk the Rainbow" is an adventure that takes you beyond the trappings of adulthood to reconnect you with the child-like innocence and curiosity that lies within. With over 150 full colour illustrations and stunning graphics, it is an invitation to bathe in the beauty of the Soul and experience the joy and wonderment of living in wholeness.
An intuitive self-help guide to the innermost self
When the end approaches the beginning… and the journey, with its stories, is but an echo on the wind… When the sun has lost its shadow and the moon consigned to day… When the tribe of many colours is just a pattern in the sky… When the stars have ceased to twinkle, the seasons and the cycles no more complete their turn and the droplet to the ocean has forever more returned… When the glory of emergence sends you crashing to your knees… When the only light remaining is the one you cannot see… And when the end, as the beginning… completes its dance of two… soon you come to recognise the only One is you… Then the Call of the Eternal strikes a chord you’ve always known… of gentle souls and fields of light, of the land you know is home…
Sometimes a wall is not as it seems. Sometimes that which appears as a barrier isn’t so. And sometimes, just sometimes, the presence of apparent exclusion is in perfect accord with the natural rhythm and pulse of something far greater. Oftentimes that which is perceived through the senses is not as it appears. Sometimes life is not about you; sometimes it is, sometimes it isn’t, but many times life has its own agenda. Sometimes that which is without is within. And sometimes, just sometimes, a wall is not really a wall at all… it is a door.
Sacred geometry - the inner structure of space
“Look at your map,” Thomas directed.
“Notice the symbol the fairy is holding also frames the map as a whole. Known as the womb of creation, the vesica piscis allows for seemingly apparent opposites (light and dark, heaven and earth, masculine and feminine, etc.) to exist in the same space at the same time; in other words it's a perfect symbol for paradox. It is also clear to see how the meeting of two gives birth to a third possibility; in your map, for instance, it is the human kingdom, mediator between heaven and earth. Isn’t it wonderful that one symbol can reveal such a magnitude of possibilities? And when you take it as a starting point for the unravelling of the whole of creation, there is no end to the mysteries that may be unveiled through reflecting upon its principles!” His enthusiasm was infectious. Without her knowing why, or how, Thomas had ignited ‘something’ within her that made her want to explore these geometric shapes further.
A captivating story...
“Do you think there is ever an end, Esmerelda?”
“I don't know, Thomas". Esmerelda responded, somewhat absentmindedly, as if speaking from another realm. "I suppose it could be said, 'everything that has a beginning has an end’ but its not as simple as that. The question needs qualification in-as-much as it must include the realm to which it refers, as well as the consciousness of the one who poses the question." Thomas, though attentive, was silent.
"An answer, therefore, is sourced not from the question but from within the context in which it is posed…” Esmerelda paused, sinking deeper and deeper into Zero, before concluding…
"At Eternity’s end… there is no end…
In the continuum of time and space… every end is a beginning…
Within every appearance… is an end…”
"A fountain of inspiration... an authentic beacon amidst the frequent storms and roiling seas of life... Barbara Rose's unique storytelling brings clarity, vision and simplicity to the heart of the profound..." Ronald L. Holt
"You encapsulate those teachings that I personally find most reliable, and summarise so beautifully some massive areas of wisdom that encourages the reader to go deeper in their exploration. Walk the Rainbow is a tremendous gift to the world and I for one will cherish it. And I for one will start another journey exploring the rainbow to see where that will lead me". Angela Morse
"Sometimes we find rainbows in the most unexpected places, such as I did, contained within the pages of this book. Barbara Rose's simplistic explanations lead us on a journey back into the fabric of our own self-knowledge... into remembrance of who we really are..." Amora Blenkinsop
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Barbara Rose
is a visionary artist, author and researcher of truth, who writes, draws and creates,
for the soul;
kingdom of nature, sacred geometry, creative play, and the subtle layers making up the constitution of human consciousness provide inspiration for all her creative arts. She lives in north-west England, and is available for talks, mini-workshops and book signings.
8" x 10" x 1.35"
(203mm x 254mm x 34.29mm)
Perfect bound paperback - 496 pages
150+ original artwork plus
detailed graphics in full colour
r.r.p. £32.99
Walk the Rainbow: Live the Way of Wholeness
by Barbara Rose
First published by Art of Synthesis September 2022
ISBN 978-0-9567391-8-6
Ingram Content Group. Gardners. Bookvault
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