Vision - Multiverse




“There has to be more to this,” she pondered. “The extent of her learning can’t just be about a sticky mesh or how to build a trap for unsuspecting flies, surely?” She had been sent to learn her next lesson, the remit being to find a spider’s web, observe its qualities and, in particular, watch the way of the weaver. Grandmother, meanwhile, was silent. As she watched, a silken thread appeared from nowhere. Cast meaningfully into the air before being carried by the wind, it found anchor amidst a bush on the other side of the great divide. Then followed the most mesmerising display of natural architecture she had ever had the pleasure of witnessing. Backwards and forwards, round and round, upwards and downwards, in an ordered fashion, the little creature went, undeterred by hindrances to its quest, until, before long, what began as a solitary gossamer thread had become a delicate, intricate network of fibres whose interconnection with its surroundings brooked no denial. Esmerelda drank it all in, whilst Spider, its task complete, moved purposefully to the centre of its creation to wait. “Now follow me". Grandmother had voiced her intention so she went without question. The web, very soon forgotten, became a wonder of the past, and as they entered worlds anew – some familiar, others strange to her in appearance – she knew that the way of Spider was present in them all. “Like the casting of thread, all your thoughts, words and deeds are bridges in time that may build or divide. The web you weave may ensnare, captivate or inform, and the sacred language of the universe is present in all you create should you have eyes to see.” Grandmother, master weaver, architect of creation, had expressed her wisdom… and it was wise to heed her words…


Multiverse challenges your frame of reference to consider altered states of reality with which you may not even be familiar, let alone experienced. Surreal imagery, casting shades of vibrant and unusual colour and impinged upon by orbs of lighted presence, stimulate the creative imagination into believing that worlds other than our own are not only possible but real. Now bring into your awareness the spider’s web. Imagine if the spaces between each thread were so vast that they rendered the appearance of the web non-existent. Place yourself at the centre. See how blind you have become to the interrelation between every thread making up each layer in the matrix. Can you sense how your knowing of all things, as vast as it may be, is confined to but one miniscule fragment of existence? Can you see how your perception of reality is incomplete? Can you?

Now, consider this...

Begin with where you are - with what you know. You have a physical body, you think, you feel, and, whether you are aware of it or not, you also embody 'something' far greater than you could possibly imagine. 

Use this photo of the spiders web as a focus for exploring the multi-layered entanglements that come part and parcel with the identity you call, 'me'. Consider the constituents of the threads, the behaviour and talents of the weaver, but, most importantly, remember that the purpose of a spiders web is to entrap, snare, and feed the entity that created it. Think about this. You are no different.

You are the weaver. You are the entity that employs every trick in the book to feed your unconscious wants and needs. Just like the spider, you do this in order to survive. But what if the entity that spins the web is false? What if the stories it keeps telling itself aren't real? And, what if the origin of the thought that feeds its desires is rooted in a mind other than its own? Time to find out, wouldn't you say?

Know the web... Watch the weaver

Begin by setting aside the belief that you are the creator of your reality - along with your resistance to doing so! - and place your attention on the weaver. Yes, it is true, on one level you really are, through your thoughts, words and deeds, the creator of your reality, but our intention is to awaken to who we really are, not to keep feeding the entity we are not.  So, for the course of this month set aside a period of time each week, or every day if you can, to explore the contents of your personal web. Use the graphic below as inspiration to create your own map. How? Apply the suggestions offered to the 'threads'. Be creative - and honest! - allow your mind and heart to roam free and come up with your own multi-layered 'entangled matrix' based upon your life experience (create a map for each topic).  The most important thing to take on board is that the contents of these layers of your web are not real - in and of itself the web is illusory - but it has purpose, and knowing who you are not is a wonderful starting point in awakening to who you are. Hint: you will never find the weaver by using your mind anymore than you will solve a problem using the same mindset that created it.

Identities - based on relationships, work, sexuality etc.

Thoughts - what triggers send your mind into a spiral. What happens if they become wrapped up in feelings?

Beliefs - around religion, social, political, upbringing and even (especially) spirituality etc

Programs - reactive behaviour, emotional triggers, fears. Protection against 'what if's'. Coping mechanisms

Lineage - family, country, past life/future self etc. These can be a source of even more identities.

Feelings - attachments, desires, wants and needs


Only in noticing who you are not can you awaken to who you are. Now, turn your attention to the weaver of the great web of life. Awaken inwardly to its presence, and watch, watch whilst the web creates, and re-creates, itself. Place yourself at the centre, attune yourself to the subtleties in tension and vibration as 'things' interact with, or enter into, its domain...  Wait... watch them all come... and go... Be still. Listen. Learn.

Can you hear the song of the weaver?

Can you feel its effects?

Now watch it play

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