Oh, how she loved this simple life… If she did nothing but bathe in its wonder for the remainder of her days, she would leave this world… content. But it was not to last – even simplicity had its complexities – and before too long she was carried along in a spiral of activity… Soon even that fizzled out. How strange. For a brief moment in time, all was still… and in the ensuing pause, simplicity appeared again… “Now it’s getting really weird,” she reflected to herself, as activity, this time in the form of thought, commanded attention… She was getting wise to this cyclic flow now… so instead of choosing one over the other, she allowed the spiral to take her wherever it wished… More strangeness followed… in the form of bubbles… yes, that’s what they were… bubbles… Bubbles… just like those that rise to the surface when you shake a pop bottle… only these were inside… deep inside… her belly? And each little bubble… as it effervesced inside… made her smile… it tickled… it had a life of its own… it made her laugh… silently… and it made her heart explode into a zillion untold happy stories. She had never known such joy… never, in a million years, would she have imagined so much pleasure could be generated from inside… her belly?
Everything about this vision is encapsulated in the title’s three letters: J-O-Y! It is hard to imagine how such a nondescript word could embody so much wealth in both feeling and sensual imagery that leads the mind through rapturous circles and endless spirals to feed an imagination that would otherwise be bereft of substance. Untold stories, whose source can only be the realm of the gods, beat in synchronous rhythm to the tune of paradox unveiled, whilst the Lord of the Dance laughs with gay abandon at the stupendous results of his abundant creations. The possibilities and opportunities for expansion and growth are beyond the confines of a mind embroiled in worldly thought or a heart encased in steel; it takes a transparent, open and magnanimous spirit to attract the boundless Love of this cosmic distributor. The fool, in traditional tarot, is one such example. Not quite of this world, his consciousness abides in the realm of pure spirit, where he vibrates in unison with the tune of Divine Will. Feet resting firmly in the world of matter, he dances through every earthly challenge with a child-like trust that is real, not feigned. In untainted innocence, he delights in every aspect of existence, treats every moment as if it were his last and steps fearlessly into the unknown as if his life depends upon it. His boundless love binds all to his purpose, the song in his heart calls all to listen and he shimmers with an inner luminance that outshines the sun. In short, the fool is everything whilst at the same time nothing. He lives wholly and completely because he knows he is not the one who lives. And he trusts, implicitly, simply because he is. Joy is an invitation to take the fool into your heart, to ride the spiral of unconditional love through every aspect of your daily life and to take a giant leap into the unknown as if it were your first adventure.
Now, consider this...
Taking the fool into your heart is easier said than done. After all, if you are encased in multiple layers of beliefs, behavioural patterns, and concrete mindsets, how can you possibly access the innocent child that lies buried beneath it all? Both script and guidance, in addition to embracing the fool, offer a few subtle hints in the form of words hidden within the script - content[ment], happiness, innocence and, of course joy - I would also add this, 'he lives wholly and completely because he knows he is not the one who lives'. So, how may we return to innocence and free the child-like joy that is buried beneath a lifetime of 'stuff'?
A clue may be found in the Ouroboros, but before we explore its qualities let's begin by reflecting upon two of the words above - contentment and happiness. Notice how one is transient and is dependent upon certain conditions being fulfilled that make you feel 'happy' and the other holds within it the seed of something more lasting... perennial even.
"...Stillness, that is pervasive, that penetrates to the very core of my being, that returns such a profound presence of peace, nothing else is needed. Nothing. I am content... and that contentment is without end... wholly and completely... without end. And when this wellspring of peace is allowed to percolate, joy miraculously appears... all by itself... like it has been waiting... simply waiting... for me to acknowledge its presence. Quietly bubbling away inside, my cup runs over... and joy... endless, joy... expresses who I really am.... where even discontent, is content".
This quote and the one below, were taken from the August newsletter. Can you feel the 'gay abandonment' of the fool dancing through these words? Is it any wonder he lives in perpetual wonderment, 'knowing he is not the one who lives', when he is in touch with such perennial presence inside? And does it come as no surprise to learn that this endless joy is available to you in each passing moment - right now!
"...when I rest in contentment, when joy bubbles away silently inside, happiness is somehow in there with it; it is just not dependent upon a condition, any condition, that lies outside of me".
How? This is where the symbol above comes in. The Ouroboros, usually depicted in the form of a circle or mobius (figure of eight), shows a serpent or dragon consuming its own tail. Symbolic of the unity in all things, particularly the endless cycle of death and rebirth, it is often overlooked in its application to everyday life, when viewed from a bigger-picture perspective; in this instance in the rise of happiness and joy from bathing in contentment. In a like manner to the Ouroboros, contentment devours the past. Not in a banishing, 'lets get rid of it' way, but by embracing it, savouring it gifts, and making it one with the whole.
Make peace with the past... be content....
therein lies the path to freedom...
and there shall you find joy...
Return to innocence...
Follow the fool
"The fall from existence gave birth to the fool
Mystery of Spirit concealed in misrule.
In mimicking rule, he plays man for a fool
As he dances through time to confuse and delude...
But the jester's disguise is lid bare to the wise...
So behold him thus, see Truth and the lies.
No-thing is he, just a clown with a part
Who plays the world game with joy in his heart.
He is naked, an innocent, a child of the morn,
just filling a purpose to which he was born.
Dare you follow and go where he leads,
Befriend the unknown, partake of the seed...
And surrender your sight in order to see?
Have you the courage...
Dare you be free?"
Walk the Rainbow. p.192