Vision - Furnace




The heat was intense, the pain excruciating… still she resisted. Her mind was a mess, her heart ripped to shreds… still she resisted. And even though she knew that every sense – each sensation, thought and feeling – was a lie… still she resisted. Why? Why did she fight so hard to protect that which she knew, with every fabric of her being, to be false? Why was she so afraid to embrace the very thing she had been striving for, which she knew, deep inside and beyond all doubt, would lead to her ultimate salvation and bring her lasting peace? Why? Why did she fight so hard to reject its gentle presence? Why? One simple word – no! This tiny, nondescript word had become so much a part of who she was that she was powerless against its insistent message, defenceless in its call to action, rendered impotent at every occasion of its utterance – no, no, no! Resistance… her resistance… was all down to this one word. She would not give in. Her reason for being, the very fabric of her identity, depended upon it… or so she thought. Deep inside, the great wheel turned and, as momentum changed from force repulsive to force attractive, all that was hitherto immovable melted; the great no had become a giant yes. Denied for so long through her insistence on maintaining an identity that, from the very beginning, had no possible hope of survival, she relaxed her resistant stance and sank deeper and deeper into Presence; at last, in the arms of the Great Unknown, she knew peace…

Another time in another place

The light was fierce, blindingly fierce. It was intense, intense to the point annihilation. And it had absolutely no right to be there. No right at all. It violated her personal space, and in so doing the perpetrator - George - had crossed a line to strike such a place of abhorrence within her she could not fail to respond. The rage band snapped, and as something deep inside, something buried beneath layers of societal dictates, desire to please and fear of being seen, rose to the surface, an almighty "NO" shattered the fabric of falsehood. The 'Kraken' was awake and it  brooked no denial - NO! NO! NO!!! Olive got the message, now she must act.

Embracing the rage band

In both these instances ('contemplation' and 'here and now' story), aside from the utterance of the word 'no', it might be surmised they were expressing opposite sides of the reality spectrum. But are they? Are they really so very different? Who is to say Olive's rage at George's affront on her personal space isn't also an expression of the Divine in them both? What if the rage band is an opportunity to surrender to the will of the Divine whilst also standing clear on boundaries acceptable to the personality? Quantum Navigation by Ronald L. Holt offers some clues as to how this might work.

"Rage, Outrage and Intolerance is important as it ultimately takes us back to Powerlessness, Worthlessness and Abandonment issues". 

When rage arises from the core of your being it serves as a wake-up call. If it comes from a place of wholeness, where personality and Soul are fused, it is an opportunity to stand in your own power and state your case, without fear or projection. Distinct from anger, it grounds Spirit into matter; anger projects under-processed emotional baggage outwards onto others and perpetuates the 'war'. Knowing this distinction is important.

"In “UN-CONSCIOUSNESS” – we do not know or understand our rights, equality or boundaries (because we do not know our worth) so we swing from “VICTIM” to “WARRIOR” – or – from bullied to bully".

In un-consciousness the 'war' is perpetuated over and over again until one side or another steps back, turns their attention inwards, and examines the root cause. Questioning your beliefs, your habitual reactive programs and embracing the roots of unconsciousness  - powerlessness, worthlessness, and abandonment - at a core level opens a doorway to the infinite, where empowerment may be rooted in Truth.

 " clear-seeing  you are able to communicate your rights, equality and boundaries from holistic integrated truth because it pulls you into relationship with the spaciousness & timelessness of the quantum".


When irresistible force – Divine Will – meets immovable object – you – something has to give, and it doesn’t take a great deal of imagination to figure out which one. Divine Will has nothing to lose; you, on the other hand, have everything. So why engage with it? Why not just carry on with your quite comfortable, if not entirely fulfilling, life and just wait for evolution to run its course? What’s the point in upsetting the apple cart? After all, you are happy – right? Perhaps if what was involved in stepping from ‘life in sleep’ to full waking consciousness was made more apparent there would be many more who would choose the ‘wait for evolution to take its course’ option. However, you have chosen this vision and, as the Soul alignment quality directs, it requires an act of will before any form of transition may occur; you have to want to change! Courage in making the necessary sacrifices allows the Real to arise, like a phoenix, effortlessly from the ashes of the false self. Furnace, therefore, is a vision of great power, holding within it the potential for transformation beyond all that is humanly possible. In offering all that you believe yourself to be to the Great Unknown, you emerge awake in the certain knowledge that you are the peace that surpasses understanding. But first, you have to enter the fire…

Walk the Rainbow. p212

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