A vision for a month
Inner Rainbow
Peeling the layers of an onion
Digging Deep - An Artist's Journey
Something different to mark the turning of the year - nine visions for the price of one! "How did that come about", you might ask? In short, as the heading suggests, it happened through a little inspired digging.
Furnace, December's focal vision, I gradually came to realise, had commanded my attention for far longer than the prescribed timescale in that its effects lasted not one month but three (at least). Furthermore, the depths, layers, and coping strategies buried in the depths of my psyche that were exposed through contemplating its gifts could only be attributed to my willingness to embrace all that arose from the dark; 'Will-to-Evolve,' Furnace's Soul alignment quality, ensured I could no longer be ruled by unconscious reactive dictates rooted in the past, I had to let them go.
In so doing curiosity blossomed and, as a phoenix arising from the ashes of its former self, my wonder-filled child embarked upon an adventure that would reveal, not only the layers that contributed to the finished vision, but the depth of synthesis available to all who are committed to embracing, loving, and accepting themselves, just as they are - warts and all. Created in 2016, some seven years ago, and with a filing system so ordered I can never find anything, this was no small feat! But, after sifting through the contents of three hard drives, find it, I did! The nine is the result, but that is only half the story...
is unique in that, not only does it have nine layers (significant in and of itself), but it also features a vision in every layer; a complete vision of reality, an integral facet of the inner diamond, and with its own Soul alignment quality - WOW! My jaw dropped when I realised the signifance of these findings - truth be known, I am still somewhat in awe of all that has been uncovered. Here's why...
Layers within layers
I'll try and keep this simple! Firstly, it is important to acknowledge, Spirit is everything (and nothing). Whether being expressed as light or shadow, spirit or matter, human or divine, animal, bird or planet, there is nothing than isn't it. However, there are circumstances or appearances that create the impression that Spirit is other than it is. These circumstances act as veils that prevent us from experiencing life as it really is, or from knowing ourselves as we really are. All we have to 'do' then is to remove these veils or obscuration's to Truth and we can be whole. Easier said than done, but a very good place to start is by seeing them for what they are - again, easier said than done! This month's vision then, is an attempt to present the separate faces of reality in a way that you can discern the layers from a bigger picture perspective and to know you are far more than your beliefs, stories and identities.
There are many ways of working with the
'Inner Rainbow'
grid, some are explored through the star-tetrahedron geometry below, and others will unfold over the months ahead, but for now we will focus on the horizontal plane from top to bottom as follows:-
Bearing in mind the information shared above, this layer refers to the outpouring of Spirit as it makes its involutionary journey into matter; Hermetic principles refer to this process as the Law of Vibration but it may also be understood through this biblical quote: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1. All life forms then, whether they are solid physical forms or the many expressions of the subtle realms of the Soul, consciousness, mind and elementals within kingdom of nature, are thus subject to these Universal Laws. Additionally, Spirit expressed outwards, according to Ageless Wisdom teachings, has three aspects known as the Divine Triad, which are inseparable from the Word - Will or Purpose, Love or Wisdom, and Intelligence. This top layer of the grid then, aligns with the Divine Triad through the following visions:-
4. MATERIALISATION | Thought-form | Mind
5. PRESENCE | Being | Consciousness
6. GATHERING | Deliverance | Balance
Matter is vibration expressed in its most dense form, including crystallised thought, such as tunnel vision, and encompasses planets, nebulae, stars and galaxies as well as the body aspect of all life forms, including human. Visions in this layer include photos of two outer planets, Pluto and Neptune, together with their astrological keynotes.
7. TRANSCENDENCE | Regeneration | Pluto (Eagle)
8. ILLUMINATION | Inner Vision | Neptune (Compassion)
9. UNDERWORLD | Rest | Pluto (Destroyer)
I'll try and keep this simple! Firstly, it is important to acknowledge, Spirit is everything. Whether being expressed as light or shadow, spirit or matter, human or divine, animal, bird or planet, there is nothing than isn't it. However, there are circumstances or appearances that create the impression that Spirit is other than it is. These circumstances act as veils that prevent us from experiencing life as it really is, or from knowing ourselves as we really are. All we have to 'do' then is to remove these veils or obscuration's to Truth and we can be whole. Easier said than done, but a very good place to start is by seeing them for what they are - again, easier said than done! This month's vision then, is an attempt to present the separate faces of reality in a way that you can discern the layers from a bigger picture perspective and to know you are far more than your beliefs, stories and identities.
Furnace | Will-to-Evolve
Into the fire
"The rage band snapped, and as something deep inside, something buried beneath layers of societal dictates, desire to please and fear of being seen, rose to the surface, an almighty "NO" shattered the fabric of falsehood. The 'Kraken' was awake and it brooked no denial - NO! NO! NO!!! "
When rage arises from the core of your being it serves as a wake-up call. If it comes from a place of wholeness, where personality and Soul are fused, it is an opportunity to stand in your own power and state your case, without fear or projection. Distinct from anger, it grounds Spirit into matter; anger projects under-processed emotional baggage outwards onto others and perpetuates the 'war'. Knowing this distinction is important. In un-consciousness the 'war' is perpetuated over and over again until one side or another steps back, turns their attention inwards, and examines the root cause. Questioning your beliefs, your habitual reactive programs and embracing the roots of unconsciousness - powerlessness, worthlessness, and abandonment - at a core level opens a doorway to the infinite, where empowerment may be rooted in Truth. Select image to read the full story and learn how Quantum Navigation by Ronald L. Holt may assist you in navigating the proverbial burning ground.
Initiation - the wonder of nine
In both these instances ('contemplation' and 'here and now' story), aside from the utterance of the word 'no', it might be surmised they were expressing opposite sides of the reality spectrum. But are they? Are they really so very different? Who is to say Olive's rage at George's affront on her personal space isn't also an expression of the Divine in them both? What if the rage band is an opportunity to surrender to the will of the Divine whilst also standing clear on boundaries acceptable to the personality? Quantum Navigation by Ronald L. Holt offers some clues as to how this might work. www.quantumnavigation.net)