Esoteric Symbolism
Walk the Rainbow
Rainbow (suit) Symbols
Esoteric Symbolism
This page offers a glimpse into the deep esoteric traditions, geometries and synthesis set down in detail in the authors book, Walk the Rainbow: Live the Way of Wholeness. It brings together two, and more, expressions of reality that are fundamental to life itself; sacred geometry, being the structure of space, and the Science of the Seven Rays, the fabric of the space-time continuum. How? Every suit or 'Rainbow' symbol has the vesica piscis (two interlocking circles of equal radius) as its point of origin. However, even this has a pre-existent state - a single circle - and if we trace it back even further, we find it is a single point that defines its pre-existent state (in sacred geometry this is the point of the compass). Symbols, then, regardless of their individual significance, embody all these geometric principles before they mature into the full expression of an idea. The innate structure of Esmerelda's map of Consciousness is the vesica piscis. It is a perfect example of how Spirit (upper circle) and matter (lower circle) are united in consciousness; the central 'eye' being the point of union. But there is more to it than this. Yes, it is a map of consciousness but it also serves as a guide to understanding how the three kingdoms in nature - Spirit, nature and human - work together in harmony. If we turn our attention to the central 'eye' where the two circles meet and consider the integral qualities of each circle, we find that the 'eye' serves as container for both the human kingdom and that of the Soul. Why? Because the Soul is integral to Spirit (upper circle) and the human being is inseparable from nature, matter (lower circle). Soul integration, then, takes place within the inner 'Eye of God'. Walk the Rainbow explains how whilst Key of Light contemplation cards offer a way for you to intuitively work with the material that you may learn to live the Way of Wholeness. Think of all creative resources shared on this site as recipe books for the Soul.