



Adventure addresses questions concerning the many subtle layers lying beneath the surface; the subtle-in-between. Those referring to Soul and Spirit, their integration with human consciousness, and the laws governing their rite of passage. It is a sojourn into the wonder that defines the Rainbow journey, the intuitive glue that brings together the fruits of meditation, daily life, particularly shadow-work, and the union of personality with Soul. Serving as an overview to the story'flowing as a river' throughout Walk the Rainbow, it introduces you to the characters and opens your mind to extend your vision of reality. The poem delves straight into the mystery and asks you to think about what lies beyond the obvious; fairy illustrations bring a sprinkling of magic and extend an invitation for you to follow the story as it winds its way through each chapter; and the journey from 'source to sea', beginning to end, is illustrated by means of a map featuring our two adventurers as they explore the full spectrum of life (and death) experience. In these few nuggets lay the essence of the Soul's journey as it makes its presence felt in the heart of one who it knows to be.... none other than itself... In a nutshell, it is an adventure in wholeness.

Walk the Rainbow

Chapter Titles

  • Slide title

    A Story

  • Slide title

    A Gift

  • Slide title

    A Door

  • Slide title

    A Rainbow

  • Adventure

    A Diamond

  • Slide title

    An Invitation

  • Slide title

    An End?


Picture a scene, before the onset of time... when the inky blackness of an indigo sky is devoid of stars. Where space is like an island yet to experience the ocean of which it is so much a part... where a beginning has yet to greet its end...

Picture an existence in which nothing is known, the fabric of this nothingness impregnated with all that can ever be learned and the essence of its Being-ness is to reveal that which is always intended.

Create a setting where eternal darkness is all there ever is... where light has yet to bear its shadow... silence, its sound... and stillness, its activity.

Paint a reality in which the only redeemer is one that can't be saved, the only metronome is one that can't be set and the only heart is one that will never feel...

Into this picture see a tear fall from an eye that does not cry... witness a spark pierce the dark... birthed through a Source that may not be named...

Watch in wonder as water and fire begin their eternal dance... Marvel at its miracle... Ride the spiral... as the matrix of creation stirs into life...

Now bear witness to the echoes of a story... For, as seeds of an adventure, long ago forgotten, awaken... its magic is revealed once more...*

*Walk the Rainbow: Live the Way of Wholeness" p.18

Walk the Rainbow

An adventure in wholeness...

where magic is revealed

once more...

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