Gratitude gifts

Gratitude Gifts

After you've signed up, as well as a confirmation and thank you email, you will receive a series of three gifts in separate emails, selected from the list below. Delivered within the space of a week they are designed to lead you gently into the visions experience. Each stage goes a little deeper and culminates in a short experiential meditation where all the pieces of your little journey begin to make sense.

The magic of journaling
Learn the art of contemplation
Sacred geometry nugget
Artwork with guidance
Video meditation

Still undecided?
Here's how gratitude gifts might work for you

Join the dots of the past to make sense of life in the present. Ideas for leading a creative life.

Art of contemplation
Techniques for stilling your mind, sinking your breath deep into your belly, and merging with infinite presence.

Sacred geometry
Understand the structure of space where fractal and hologram are experienced as one and the same. Where your place in the grand scheme of things is as clear as the hand in front of your face.

Original artwork with guidance
Bypass the logical mind and step through visual reality gateways into the profound.

Video meditation

Sit back, relax, enjoy. Oh, and don't forget to breathe...

“A fountain of inspiration... an authentic beacon amidst the frequent storms and roiling seas of life... Barbara Rose's unique storytelling brings clarity, vision and simplicity to the heart of the profound...”

Ronald L. Holt

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